Monday, 19 May 2014

Symposium "Creating long-term global networks to sustain LGBT human right organizations"

From 18 May - 21 May the Salzburg Global Seminar runs a symposium "Creating long-term global networks to sustain LGBT human right organizations", hosted by the german foreign ministry.

You can follow all the conversations from the Global LGBT Forum in Berlin on Twitter via the hashtag #SGSlgbt. Interviews and recaps will be posted to the session page:
Direct link for twitter news available without a twitter account:

On the website of the event from last year  you can find futher information, ressources and interviews with the activists from different countires.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

A Rainbow from Lisbon to Vilnius

On the 28.3. we had a public event "A Rainbow from Lisbon to Vlinius? Challenges and Strategies for LGBT Activism in Europe" in the premises of Transinterqueer.

You can find the presentation here.